Thursday, August 11, 2011

August Artist of the Month - Pamela Gladding

Pamela Gladding artwork and her animated ecards  all here for you to enjoy. 


Pamela Gladding Welcome...When Pamela walks through her garden, she is inspired by the natural beauty and is able to translate it into detailed designs that have graced home furnishings, tabletop items, posters, stationery and wall covering for close to two decades.

Pamela's art studio is situated on 80 acres of land, filled with massive flowerbeds and surrounded by woods and is nestled in the hills of central Pennsylvania.  These surroundings provide Pamela with the serene beauty of her beloved gardens and a peaceful homestead with her husband and an ever increasing number of dogs and cats.

Pamela's Ecards - Pamela has created a unique collection of ecards.  Each ecard that she has created for you here, is taken from her huge art portfolio.  And through the magic of ecard animation and adding special music to each ecard, she is able to bring life to the ecard images for you to view and share with others.